Thursday, March 5, 2009

I liked my show the other night....

Which is good. I have been kind of bored with myself as of late but Tuesday night brought on the old Skipperiffic. I did not keep a playlist and did not record the show which is good. The best shows are the ones that happen and are off into space never to be heard from again. Aliens passing by...please enjoy the show.

Thursday Night Musical Convergence

Hey, I'm on at 9:30--I'm planning on playing lots of Ween and some late night funk.  If you'd like to make a request leave a comment.  Thanks for listening!

DJ Harry Luffa

PS:  Hey, I didn't get a chance to log my playlist last night because I forgot my password.  No log in, no playlist--do you ever have that happen?  Seems I've got more passowords and usernames than I'll ever really need, but its all about security.  Wouldn't want to have my DJ identiy stolen.  Its a scary thought--someone could be out there right now pretending to be DJ Harry Loofah.  So I make my passwords really tricky and write them down on post-it notes and the then forget where I put my notes.  Its almost like I'm losing my identity all the time without anyone stealing it.

PPS:  Oh, and thanks to "DJ X."  Glad to have you on the show last night and thanks for picking out some great music.  Had a blast.

Anyway--you can find last night's playlist here.  Just click March 5th on the calendar and navigate to "DJ Harry Loofah."



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DJ Smyth Dance Party

Make sure you check out DJ Smyth this Thursday PM @ Louie's

(Click for full sized poster)